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2023:Attendee email 2 virtual

From Wikimania

Hello Wikimania virtual attendees!

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Wikimania2023 Animated Sticker Flower 01

It’s just a matter of days before you join the Wikimania party online! We can’t wait to welcome you.

We’d like to invite you to start getting familiar with eventyay, our virtual event platform. Wikimania will be held at wikimania.eventyay.com. Just log in using the account you created during registration to get access to everything!

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Wikimania2023 Animated Sticker Wikipedia W

A good place to start is by updating your profile, adding a photo and a bio so that others can easily connect with you. You can also use eventyay to browse sessions and build your own schedule so that you can stay organized at Wikimania. Just visit the Schedule tab in the left-hand sidebar, and, when you see a session you're interested in, click the circle to "Add to my schedule".

When you’re ready to join Wikimania on the 16th, simply log in and hit the “Join live event” button on the right-hand side of your screen. You can then navigate to the left-hand sidebar to select the room you’d like to join. The rooms with live interpretation have a language button, which you can click to select your language. We have language support for 6 languages across four event tracks for all days of Wikimania.

The streams from each room each day will be immediately available to watch back on YouTube.

You can learn more about eventyay and the virtual attendee experience by watching our orientation video.

See you soon!
The Wikimania 2023 Core Organizing Team