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2023:Program/Submissions/在地的網路監管可能如何影響維基百科 (How local internet regulation can affect Wikipedia) - DVEE7E

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主題: 在地的網路監管可能如何影響維基百科 (How local internet regulation can affect Wikipedia)


Irvin Chen

Contributor of Mozilla / MozTW (Mozilla Taiwan Community). One of the keyholder of free and open Mozilla Community Space Taipei. Occasionally Wikipedia contributor. (User:Irvin) Irvin recently found his interest in the effects of regulation policy on collaboration platforms such as Wikipedia.

Pretalx link

Etherpad link


Start time:

End time:

類型: 演講/講座

議程軌: 法律、倡議和風險

投稿狀況: submitted


不要錄影: false

演講語言: zh-hant


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台灣的網路監管機關 NCC 於 2022 年中提出了大幅借鑒歐盟數位服務法的網路平台監管法案〈數位中介法草案〉,訴求提高平台透明度與治理責任,許多條文可能影響維基百科社群的運作模式。我們將藉此案例,討論各國未來的網路監管法案,將對維基百科產生什麼影響。 (In mid-2022, A draft law was proposed by the National Communications Commission of Taiwan that aims to increase the accountability and transparency of internet platforms, which largely reference the EU's Digital Services Act, which may potentially affect the Wikipedia community in many ways. Let's use this case and dive into the draft act to discuss the future impact of local regulations on Wikipedia.)


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本議程將以數位中介法草案的條文為例,條列出將影響維基百科等眾包網站運作的相關條文,並且討論其可能如何影響維基百科的規則與社群的運作模式。 (The session will discuss how each Digital Intermediary Services Act Draft rule can affect Wikipedia's rule and how the community works.)


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I believe every country will raise some similar bill of the EU Digital Service Act, such as the Taiwan case, so it's good to discuss how such regulation will affect Wikipedia's community COLLABORATION in the FUTURE.




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