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2023:Program/Submissions/Wikistories; Amplifying Wikipedia Content to drive awareness and readership - KYR3WM

From Wikimania

Title: Wikistories; Amplifying Wikipedia Content to drive awareness and readership


Purity Waigi

Product Manager, Inuka team.

Pretalx link

Etherpad link


Start time:

End time:

Type: Workshop

Track: Technology

Submission state: withdrawn

Duration: 60 minutes

Do not record: false

Presentation language: en

Abstract & description

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This session is proposed to be a workshop and will provide an interactive opportunity for attendees to engage with new forms of content contribution & consumption through our recently developed story creation and consumption tool; Wikistories for Wikipedia.


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Wikistories is designed be a gateway to attract new contributors into the Movement by lowering the barrier/ learning curve. Creating a Wikistory is designed to be intuitive and it’s envisioned to be a learning ground for newcomers who would want to edit articles in the future. The use of short text and images would attract traffic/new readers to our projects through ease of sharing of content and general brand awareness.

Further details

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Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?

Our share of media interaction and consumption is shrinking as more people come online. Newer platforms are growing exponentially and the internet is becoming more multi-modal, more interactive and more social. These changes challenge both our contribution and consumption models. Wikistories is designed to allow diversification of encyclopaedic content into formats that appeal to a growing, younger audience.

Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?

  • Tick Onsite in Singapore
  • Empty Remote online participation, livestreamed
  • Empty Remote from a satellite event
  • Tick Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
  • Empty Pre-recorded and available on demand