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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2025:Travel and the translation is 75% complete.
佮Wikimeida 2024相關的旅行資訊,請看2024:旅行.

Wikimania 2025的籌辦咧欲進行當中,這頁會增加內容來包括參與者的旅行資訊。



Wikimedia基金會支援年度Wikimania全球大會主持人的工課,透過LGBT+事工2020年12月擔保來繼續進行。特別是工作人員會提供教育佮計畫資源來鼓勵核心主辦團隊,提供現場佮線頂參與的LGBT+參與者的支援。閣來,當當受著基金會人權小組的指導,基金會會促成核心主辦團隊佮當地政府的對話,來加強參與者的安全,猶閣有核心主辦團隊佮Wikimedia LGBT+自治體之間,LGBT+參與者的需要的所在。

We recognize that no host city can perfectly address all concerns, and will work with the Core Organizing Team and Wikimedia LGBT+ to identify and communicate potential risks which cannot be offset. Finally, the Foundation will also continue "being vigilant that incidents where individuals are targeted for identity factors are properly recognized and addressed in our Trust & Safety systems."

The Wikimedia Foundation invites community organizers and entities to join our commitment and document their commitments and ideas for supporting LGBT+ participants of Wikimania and other community organized events.