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User:Leaderboard/WMF Quiz 2024

From Wikimania


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  • Anything under the sun is possible; however, questions will primarily be based on WMF and the projects it covers.
  • Participants will need a modern device that can connect to the internet (most likely quizizz.com). The questions will be on the participants' device and the main screen.
  • MediaWiki is included, and questions may require some technical knowledge.
  • This is IPE-only (in-person event) and streaming and interpretation is not supported - this is only because it's the first edition and I want to see how well this goes. The questions will be released publicly later though.
  • Questions are timed, and participants will normally be given anywhere up to two minutes to answer the question. Questions may use any of the formats in https://support.quizizz.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409852287513-Question-Types-Explained, however, questions will not use a format that cannot be automatically scored.
  • Similarly, any form of audio or video may be used as part of the question – please let me know if this could be a problem (including users that are colour-blind) - I'd like to make this as accessible as possible.
  • Each question is worth five points. Some questions may contain sub-parts, which will be scored proportionally.
  • No calculators, online resources (including LLMs such as ChatGPT). Formally, this is closed-book. The total number of questions is expected to be somewhere between 15 to 20 (inclusive).
  • Some maths is fair game.
  • The raw score (i.e, out of 5 × number of questions) will be used for ranking purposes. Quizizz (and many other quiz software) offers a points system where participants get more points for answering faster if they get it right - for this quiz this will only be taken into account for tiebreak purposes.
  • Despite best efforts, there may be errors in some of the questions. For ranking purposes this would mean that the final data would be released after some time (say 48 hours) to allow any corrections (and scoring updates) participants report.

Comparison with 2021

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See 2021:Submissions/Quiz for details on that, including a recording.

It is expected to be considerably different:

  • The 2021 event was generally informal, with no formal scoring or timing done. This is not the case here.
  • There is only one presenter in the 2024 event.
  • The 2021 event had multiple sections; the 2024 event only has a single section.
  • The 2021 event had a bias towards the English Wikipedia (and a couple were asked about the French/Chinese Wikipedia). The 2024 event is likely to include questions about a variety of projects, with perhaps a bias towards MediaWiki in general.


The questions

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Each question was worth five points; two questions were skipped due to technical issues. Some questions have partial marking available.

The highest score during the quiz was 51.8/70, or 74%. The second highest score was 46.3/70, or 66.2%. The third highest score was 43.7/70, or about 62.4%. Keep in mind that the two questions that were skipped were on the harder side, so the quiz was overall harder than intended. Solutions are available at /Solutions.

Question 1

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A large language model (LLM) was asked the following question “What is X?” and returned the following answer:

X is a free species directory that anyone can edit. It covers a wide range of life forms, including Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea, and Protista. So far, there are 877,953 entries in X. It’s a valuable resource for scientists and enthusiasts interested in taxonomy and the diversity of life on our planet. 🌿🐾

What is X?

  • Wikibooks
  • Wikispecies
  • Wikiversity
  • Wikivoyage
  • Wikipedia

Question 2

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Question 2

The current logo of MediaWiki is shown above, which was introduced in 2020 (it is red in colour). The previous version of this logo was ​___  in colour and was based on a(n) ___.

Choose one for each blank. 2.5 points for each blank.

  • yellow
  • sunflower
  • red
  • chrysanthemum
  • blue
  • rose

Question 3

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The following Python function is run on Wikifunctions (where Z11396 is the function name):

def Z11396(Z11396K1):
    i = 0
    while (true):
        i = i + 1

What happens when 2 is input to the function?

As a user correctly pointed out, it should be True instead of true.

  • The code runs for a few seconds and returns nothing
  • The code runs and returns a TLE (time limited exceeded) message
  • The system detects an infinite loop and refuses to run the code
  • The code runs indefinitely until the tab is closed
  • The code crashes eventually and returns such a message to the user

Question 4

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Question 4

The above screenshot, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 from Matt Makes Games is taken from the video game Celeste. Which of the following is true as to why this is free-use?

  • It is free-use because it is a still from a game, and not cover art
  • It is free-use because the game itself only makes use of free-use resources, which means that any screenshot of the game must also be free-use
  • It is free-use because pixel art games do not have the fidelity to be copyrightable
  • It is free-use because the game itself has been released under CC BY-SA 4.0, and hence a screenshot from it must also be free-use
  • It is free-use because the developer explicitly licensed the image itself to be free-use.

Question 5

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On Wikibooks, page A contains the following content:


page B contains the following content:


and page C contains a link to page A. That link is clicked. What happens?

  • Page A goes to page B, and stops there.
  • Page A goes to page B, which then goes to page A, then to page B, and stops there.
  • Page A goes to page B, which then goes to page A, and this process goes indefinitely until the browser stops it.
  • It stops at page A, not going to page B.
  • It returns an error and stays at page C.

Question 6

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Suppose Internet Explorer 5 on Windows XP is used to open http://en.wikipedia.org. What happens?

This should have read "Windows 2000" (or alternatively IE6 instead of IE5) - IE5 was never shipped with Windows XP. The question is otherwise perfectly valid.

  • The page is blank.
  • Wikipedia complains that it cannot run on IE5
  • HTML code appears on the screen
  • The main page appears, but with formatting errors
  • Internet Explorer complains that the page cannot be displayed

Question 7

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Which of the following is/are true about the U4C Coordinating Committee?

Each of the below options was to be categorised as either "true" or "false". One point for each correct categorisation.

  • It can order the closure of wikis if necessary
  • It has 16 members in the committee when fully seated
  • It consists of only WMF staff members
  • No more than three members can be from the same homewiki
  • It can normally take action against the French Wikipedia Arbitration Committee

Question 8

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The Scunthorpe problem is defined as the following on Wikipedia:

The Scunthorpe problem is the unintentional blocking of online content by a spam filter or search engine because their text contains a string (or substring) of letters that appear to have an obscene or otherwise unacceptable meaning. Names, abbreviations, and technical terms are most often cited as being affected by the issue.

Let S be an undesirable expletive, and an abuse filter is created with the following code:

added_lines irlike 'T'

where T is a regex based on S. Which two of the following options on T best illustrate the Scunthorpe problem?

No partial marking - both answers need to be correct to get the points.

This question has a flaw which was correctly pointed out by users 0xDeadbeef and 1234qwer1234qwer4, more than a month after this was written. See the solutions for why. As a result, there are three correct answers, not 2.

  • S
  • .S.
  • fSf
  • (S)
  • (S){3}

Question 9

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Arrange the following continents in terms of the number of Wikimanias they’ve held. Include 2024, and do not include 2020-2022 (i.e, the virtual years):

[5 - most, 4 - second most and so on till 1 - least]

One point for each correct ordering.

  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Oceania
  • South America

Question 10 (skipped during quiz)

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On a certain MediaWiki instance, the below configuration is part of LocalSettings.php (with all other settings set to default)

$wgRateLimits = [
        // Page edits
        'edit' => [
               'ip' => [ 8, 60 ],
               'newbie' => [ 8, 60 ],
               'user' => [ 90, 60 ],
        // Page moves
        'move' => [
               'newbie' => [ 2, 120 ],
               'user' => [ 8, 60 ],
        // File uploads
        'upload' => [
               'ip' => [ 8, 60 ],
               'newbie' => [ 8, 60 ],
$wgGroupPermissions['*'][‘move’] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['upload'] = true;
$wgAutoConfirmAge = 86400*4;
$wgAutoConfirmCount = 0;

Account C has 4 edits and has completed two full days. After the end of a full week, if the maximum number of distinct pages they could have moved is 1440p, what is p?

Enter an integer from 0 to 999 (inclusive).

Note: the question contained an ambiguity. The "end of a full week" starts after the user has completed two full days, so we are considering 7 more days for the user, not 5.

Question 11

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Which MediaWiki user right is also called as sysop, which is short for "system operator"?

  • steward
  • checkuser
  • administrator
  • bureaucrat
  • eliminator

Question 12

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Classify the below file types as one that can be uploaded into Commons using the Upload Wizard or the regular upload form (i.e Special:Upload), or one that cannot be uploaded.

Assume that there are no user or file size restrictions.

0.5 points for each correct categorisation.

  • GIF
  • PNG
  • MP3
  • MPEG
  • PDF
  • MP4 (H.264)
  • EXE
  • DOC
  • EPUB
  • DOCX

Question 13 (skipped during quiz)

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Question 13

The above screenshot shows the list of languages that have a certain article on Wikipedia, with that linked to a central Wikidata item. Suppose we consider a pre-cursor of Wikidata, in which each page on each wiki will contain an interwiki link to each of k languages that also has that article.

[n! = 1 × 2 × 3 × ... × n]

The number of such bidirectional "links" in the pre-cursor implementation for that article across all languages is ​​​___ and ​ ​___ using Wikidata.

Select one option for each blank; 2.5 points for each correct blank.

  • k
  • k!
  • 2k
  • k3

Question 14

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Question 14

This Wikipedia monument is located in ____, created by an artist from _____,, and is located in ​ _____ Square.

Select one option for each blank. points for each correct blank.

  • Poland
  • France
  • Turkey
  • Armenia
  • Germany
  • Paris
  • Istanbul
  • Frankfurt
  • Hungary
  • Warsaw

Question 15

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In 2017, the English Wikipedia started ACTRIAL (called as “Autoconfirmed article creation trial”), which is now permanent. What does it do?

  • Only users that are “autoconfirmed” can create articles on defined “sensitive” topics
  • Only users that are “autoconfirmed” can create any article on mainspace
  • Non-autoconfirmed users have an additional “Draft” namespace that they can optionally use to create articles
  • Only extended-confirmed users can create any articles on mainspace
  • Autoconfirmed users can create more articles per hour than non-autoconfirmed users

Question 16

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Which of the following wiki(s) require its own account and cannot be used with a unified SUL (Single Use Login) account?

Select all that apply; no partial marking.

  • Wikitech
  • VoteWiki
  • Foundation Wiki
  • Simple English Wikibooks
  • Wikimania Wiki