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User:Volker E. (WMF)/Sandbox/First Class Inclusion Internet Citizen

From Wikimania


Towards Knowledge Equity through Accessibility

To achieve Knowledge Equity, Wikimedia needs to be a First Class Internet Citizen on Inclusion. Standing on the shoulders of giants, the Wikimedia communities have been at the forefront of making our content inclusive with their own ethical outlines and guidelines. With possible legal requirements ahead and more complex interfaces and media types developing, we need to ensure that we understand and address a wide range of user needs in order to be as inclusive as possible.


The session addresses the following questions:

What is the current state of accessibility of the Wikimedia projects – on interface and information level?

What is within our movement's reach to support from a critical resources perspective under current technical limitations?

What are future legal requirements and what is the state of play?

How can Wikimedia work towards better accessibility of government works and information?

What can we provide as NPO from a resources perspective within current technical limitations?

Ensuring by

  • Organizational awareness (onboarding),
  • Inclusive design,
  • Foundation- and community wide coding standards guidelines

Stronger together.

Relationship to the theme

Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality EducationSustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Session leader(s)

  • Volker E., Wikimedia Foundation, Lead User-Interface Standardization
  • Laney Feingold, Disability Rights Lawyer (requested)
  • Representative of Ministry of Culture, Sweden

Session type

Panel with audience Question & Answer session


  • Room: for 20-40 people
  • Audience: No prior knowledge is needed. However, we plan to provide basic overview collection upfront.
  • Recording is possible
  • Time requested: 20 minutes of presentation + 30 minutes of questions

Further links

