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Wikimania:Mediawiki pages with translations/af

From Wikimania

If the translation is missing, click the "add/update" link, and in the subsequent page please add the translation to the "translation" column.

language = Afrikaans
message name default message translation available? link to mediawiki_talk page
Mediawiki:Activities Activities add/update
Mediawiki:Attend Attend add/update

HotCat: add, remove, and change categories on a page, with name suggestions. documentation

HotCat word gebruik om kategorieë maklik aan 'n bladsy toe te voeg, te verwyder of 'n bestaande kategorie te verander. Telkens word 'n kategorie voorgestel, gebaseer op bestaande kategorieë. documentation


Navigation popups, article previews and editing functions popup when hovering over links.

Navigasie-pop-ups, voorskou van artikels en wysigingsfunksies wanneer na 'n skakel gewys word. documentation


Add a "Purge" option to the top of the page, which purges the page's cache. documentation

Plaas 'n "Wis kas" skakel boaan bladsye. As daarop gekliek word sal die bladsy se kas skoongemaak word. documentation

Mediawiki:Gadget-section-browsing-gadgets Browsing gadgets add/update
Mediawiki:Gadget-section-editing-gadgets Editing gadgets add/update
Mediawiki:Hackathon-description Hackathon add/update
Mediawiki:Label-gadget-documentation documentation add/update
Mediawiki:Registration-description Registration add/update
Mediawiki:This-wiki This wiki add/update
Mediawiki:scholarships-description Scholarships add/update
Mediawiki:volunteers-description Volunteer add/update
Mediawiki:help out Help out add/update
Mediawiki:ambassadors-description Ambassador add/update
Mediawiki:travel guide-description Travel guide add/update
Mediawiki:accommodation-description Accommodation add/update
Mediawiki:venue-description Venue add/update
Mediawiki:side events-description Related events add/update
Mediawiki:theme-description Theme add/update
Mediawiki:program design-description Program design add/update
Mediawiki:local-information Local information add/update
Mediawiki:submissions-description Submissions add/update
Mediawiki:environmental impact-description Environmental impact add/update
Mediawiki:sponsor-description Sponsor add/update
Mediawiki:other Other add/update
Mediawiki:learning days-description Learning Days add/update
Mediawiki:social-description Social events add/update