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Wikimania:Mediawiki pages with translations/el

From Wikimania

If the translation is missing, click the "add/update" link, and in the subsequent page please add the translation to the "translation" column.

language = Ελληνικά
message name default message translation available? link to mediawiki_talk page
Mediawiki:Activities Activities Δραστηριότητες add/update
Mediawiki:Attend Attend add/update

HotCat: add, remove, and change categories on a page, with name suggestions. documentation


Navigation popups, article previews and editing functions popup when hovering over links.


Add a "Purge" option to the top of the page, which purges the page's cache. documentation

Mediawiki:Gadget-section-browsing-gadgets Browsing gadgets add/update
Mediawiki:Gadget-section-editing-gadgets Editing gadgets add/update
Mediawiki:Hackathon-description Hackathon Μαραθώνιος επεξεργασιών add/update
Mediawiki:Label-gadget-documentation documentation τεκμηρίωση add/update
Mediawiki:Registration-description Registration Εγγραφή add/update
Mediawiki:This-wiki This wiki add/update
Mediawiki:scholarships-description Scholarships Υποτροφίες add/update
Mediawiki:volunteers-description Volunteer Εθελοντισμός add/update
Mediawiki:help out Help out Βοηθήστε add/update
Mediawiki:ambassadors-description Ambassador add/update
Mediawiki:travel guide-description Travel guide Ταξιδιωτικός οδηγός add/update
Mediawiki:accommodation-description Accommodation Διαμονή add/update
Mediawiki:venue-description Venue Τοποθεσία add/update
Mediawiki:side events-description Related events Παράπλευρες εκδηλώσεις add/update
Mediawiki:theme-description Theme Θέμα add/update
Mediawiki:program design-description Program design Σχεδιασμός προγράμματος add/update
Mediawiki:local-information Local information add/update
Mediawiki:submissions-description Submissions add/update
Mediawiki:environmental impact-description Environmental impact add/update
Mediawiki:sponsor-description Sponsor add/update
Mediawiki:other Other add/update
Mediawiki:learning days-description Learning Days add/update
Mediawiki:social-description Social events add/update